Start your free Veeam Immutable Backup or Microsoft 365 Backup trial, or Replication consulting  trial

We’ll setup a test account and then contact you with how to access it. Need any assistance? We offer that at no charge to assist with your trial.

Veeam Immutable Backup Free Trial

Veeam Off-Site Backup Free Trial + 1 hour Free Consulting with a Veeam Architect

Veeam Backup and Replication version 12.2 has several components to give you complete data PoM (Peace of Mind).   Whether you are moving to Veeam from another backup product or wanting to take advantage of new techniques within Veeam, our free trial allows you to explore without any risk to your data.  We provide you with the  following to ensure a successful test:
  • 10TB of protected and segmented Veeam repository space for 30 days
  • No data ingress or egress charges (we don’t charge for that even as a paying client)
  • Up to 1 hour of free consulting to help you setup and configure Veeam to best-practices standards (more time available at our normal rate)
  • 8 x 5 support during your trial (24/7 support from us and 24/7 support from Veeam if you become a client)
  • No hassle and no sales pressure – we want you to like us and the Veeam software
Veeam Cloud Connect Replication Trial
Replication with Veeam software is fast, accurate and dependable.  We offer complete replication setup, configuration, consulting, licensing and more to ensure your Disaster Recovery plan works well.  Due to the complexities of replication, we offer a 1 hour free consultation to discuss your replication project and put a plan together for its implementation.   If you decide to move forward, we will setup your replication environment on our side (and assist you on your side) at our normal consulting rate but give the same 5 TB of storage space, free for 30 days.  Conant us with the form below to start the conversation.
Veeam Microsoft 365 Backup Free Trial
Microsoft 365 is great at what it does, but does not offer any type of backup or retention beyond the 30-day un-delete of your data.  On day 31, after deleting some item from email, Teams, SharePoint, etc., you will need to have a backup to restore from.  Veeam Microsoft 365 backup is the best in the industry.  We have used it on several occasions to restore important data for our managed clients, saving them, in some case, from lawsuits and embarrassment.  Your free trial includes
  • 10 Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 backup licenses
  • 10 TB of storage space
  • No data ingress or egress charges (we don’t charge for that even as a paying client)
  • Up to 1 hour of free consulting to help you setup and configure Veeam Microsoft 365  to best-practices standards (more time available at our normal rate)
  • 8 x 5 support during your trial (24/7 support from us and 24/7 support from Veeam if you become a client)
  • No hassle and no sales pressure – we want you to like us and the Veeam software